Driving Lessons St. Albans – “Much Easier To Understand Than Last Driving Instructor” Says Emily

Driving Lessons St Albans

Emily Morrow from St. Albans has every right to be very happy because she has just passed her driving test at the Borehamwood DTC.

“I’m relieved,” said Emily outside Borehamwood Driving Test Centre. “Now I will be able to travel to work much quicker and be able to be much more independent.”

Emily passed her driving test with Alec and Driving Memories on her second attempt. She completed a 20 hour intensive course of driving lessons with a driving test immediately following, however unfortunately she wasn’t successful on that first attempt.

Driving Lessons in St. Albans

So Emily took a further 7 hours of driving lessons with us and passed her driving today with only 3 driver faults.

“My biggest challenge was changing gear,” said Emily. “Alec helped me by teaching me the palming technique and knowing when to change gear – all through practise.”

Emily came to Driving Memories after her experience with a previous driving instructor.

“Compared with my previous driving instructor, Alec explained things in a way which I found much easier to understand and put into practise,” said Emily.

“Well done, Emily,” said Alec, her driving instructor. “Safe driving.”