Driving Instructor Potters Bar – “I’m Very Happy” Says Paige

Driving Instructor Potters Bar - Paige

Paige McAllister from Potters Bar has every reason to look pleased with herself after passing her driving test today at Borehamwood DTC with only 5 minor driving faults.

“I’m very happy,” said Paige after passing her driving test.

“Paige did really well,” said Alec, her driving instructor from Driving Memories. “To get only 5 faults after just 11 hours of training – and no previous driving instructor – that’s an achievement she can be proud of.”

Paige had just one sticking point: roundabouts. But that was no problem for Alec. “He explained how to approach and deal with roundabouts,” said Paige, enabling her to pass the driving test with very few hours of driving instruction.

Paige was recommended to Driving Memories by her husband, Jack, who also passed the driving test with Alec as his instructor. So Paige is paying it forward with a recommendation of her own.

“I’d recommend Alec and Driving Memories,” said Paige. “He is a very good instructor.”

“Way to go, Paige!” said Alec. “Wishing you many years of happy and safe driving.”